Thursday, September 16, 2004

wow, haven blog for a really long time... like life was easier without pple reading abt my life. a break from the truman show. alot have happened during de last 1mth+. collided with someone during street bandy, blah blah blah... enjoyed myself during hols, grew sick of town, nothing to do... went sentosa with canoeists... quarrel with mom... many more. most of all, guess i did real bad for prelims. maybe onli pass economics... certain pple r still mean, some r less interested to gossip abt me, life goes on. shiwei pissed me off on tue, everyday tries to be funny. some said he is like cute mickey mouse, i beg to differ. last sat korean resturant with yong, ex meal n there were more things to satisfy our eyes than our taste buds. played arcade with kaifeng n co, yuhao, ben was there for a while. sigh. gonna study, cheehong told me to joke around, when did i? dolly was screwed up yesterday... ciao-bye-sayonara...

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