Monday, June 28, 2004

de england-portugal match is one of de best i've watch, exciting n great football. Ricardo's de man, rather for de superb penalty kick than medicore save. De save by Edwin is superb, equal to Barthez's save from beck-lousy-ham. Deco is kinda cute. Wateva. Hope for a Czech-Holland final. Last week went several place to study with pple. Library@Orchard, KingAlbertPark McDonald's, Holland Village, Forum.
Wed went holland, with Kelvin Ong. Initiall at coffeebean, den too noisy, went Delifrance, i went starbucks to c if more conducive. Jus saw quite a few youth, strong coffee smile, crowded. Stayed at delifrance sofa seats... Out of de blue, a women(quite attractive) talked to me, asked me if im studying or so, behind her was an old man. With weird slang, she talked to me, n asked if im in her daughter's geog class, dominique or sth like that, said dat i waved to her at starbucks. I was first stunned by how de conversation started, den by was she asked me. When i gave her de confused look, she said "u must have waved to her cause she's pretty!" wah... like im sure la. Jus politely bid farewell when dey left. Kelvin told me de old man was RJ's ex principal. Sigh. Wat de hell... I'll look at gals, stare at v few, but wave to some pretty gal i donno? Im streetwise enough not do give others a chance to confront me for staring incidents lor.jbaacrktlhyenz wwianynnire

Friday, June 18, 2004

today i went into rifle range to for lunch, when on the way, picked up a bus pass, some gal's born in 89. Then after walking around 200m, saw 2 gals like looking for some stuff. Walked passed 1 n she looks like de gal on the bus pass, turned around n asked "hello, did u drop ur bus pass?" She said "yes". Donno y but i jus took out with my first 2 fingers, like gambit'll do with cards n passed it to her. Turned around n continued walking, she was like in a shock, donno if cause i found her bus pass, or by my cool attitude. She thanked me twice b4 running to meet with her frens 20m forward, told them donno wat n they looked at me, i jus walk pass them like nothing happened. They still chattering lor. Sign, she looks quite cute, well tanned, think from vball but donno wat sch. Din think of anything lor, even if she's not bad, got no feeling for anyone. But its not possible, age gap... haha, besides, dun consider this fate cause im faithful not "fate-full". Chatted with Tigger n she said i should've got her number, little did she know that she was the onli thing in my mind, still is...
Went home n bathe, then went MArina Mrt to meet up with Hornyteamers, onli Delwyn descipline enough to be on time lor, the came slowly, richard n manfred, kenbang wuneng so on. I arrived at 3.15, when the match is at 5, lame MAX told me gather at 3. Eventually started the match against ex-Dunmanites. Starting line-up, me, ivna, maxxx, ak, manfred, stonez, kyle, delwyn, kenbang, richard, wuneng. Opponents were formidable, yet we got an early goal through kyle. They threatened us with high balls n unusually, i was comfortable with handling them, usually bad at them. They got a 1on1 but striker's chip hit the bar b4 Manfred cleared from the line with a acrobatic back kick. Second half, they got back into contention with a bizarre corner-kick goal, world class, cant save it, esp with no one guarding the far corner. More action n more even match. Replied through kyle again. Kenbang n Bingchen were crazy enough to slide the keeper. The last 20min saw them pressuring our defence, rightback ivan twice let de ball though n left with 2 1-on-1 at identical position. Shocking, i dived to deflect the ball out, with the tips of my finger tips, yet its was a goalkick, haha. Seocnd 1 i covered the angle with a full stretch n he shot wide again, lucky. My jersey was full of soil from that. Eventually won 2-1. After dat 7 of us had steamboat there, saw brendon n his j1 girlfren, sign, changed again. Wateva, seems the unfaithful gets the gal while the faitful, well, remains faithful to wat he believes is the right one. There can be miracles when u believe, does it? selcarim eveiled. God bless...

Monday, June 14, 2004

It wonders me, how Barthez actually saved dat penalty from beckham. 1 of de fine saves since de red card. Anyway, v sad these few days, first cause someone Jac me, then now, sad news that Mr Ho, passed away. He was a v gd teacher, understand n caring n friendly, hard to come by. Life is so unpredictable, wats here may vanish tmr, everything will change, for better or worse. Who know, where u'll be, de day after tmr? Y does the gd die young? 42yrs-RIP. Some say, God wanna de good to be with him so that they can enjoy wats in heaven. Heaven, utopia or mirage? Its impt to enjoy today, tmr, day after tmr... u've know when u'll be call upon to the great halls of God. Had a weird dream yest, yeah abt her again. I'll post the story i promised, abt "forbidden love", soon.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

first time im blogging from airport, haha. Sianz, leaving for around 10 days, to study, visit relatives n get over her. wateva. Mon night party at chinablack was quite gd, jus kindda tired cause played 4hrs of bball n soccer(7 goals with bball shoe), 2hrs of econs b4 dat... Long queue but thanks to kf, we managed to get in at 11 plus. Lots of familiar pple, ex-tchs, tianci, diyang, brendon, haddek, david, yeeda, mervyn ect ect, also got AC's ashley, zhuwei, daniel, me, sunil, kenji, ect... total least 50 familiar pple. Gonna go liao, SQ804, cya, be patient, although hard to get internet access there, my "forbidden love" story will be published soon, FOC, COming Soon...

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