Friday, April 30, 2004

when i tot i found the one, i was more sure than morphus was abt neo, i tried harder than morphus to get close to her, sensitive to her n her needs whenever possible. God toyed with me time... n aGAIN! When i tot it was all well, the bubble burst. lousy rubber. well, i donno why too, PEK is da man, he is right. But why does my pursue(s) r always subjected to so much much discouragements? Love is meant to be when its meant to be, but why cant love grow over time or through interactions? She wants me to give up. I dun wanna give up, im a stubborn fellow. I reckon her frens play a role too, the role of diablo in my life, in my friendship with her. what did i do? i dun know? i never did anything to harm anyone and fidel(fidelity) to my frens. I cant c what others see, i tot if i do right things, nothing can go wrong. Im wrong. Maybe two wrongs can indeed make one right. JAC... i asked for friendship onli, for the time being, i know ur more confused than im, can kind of read ur mind but vague, cause ur tots r quite messy now. anyway, to hell with the cupid with blunt arrows...

Monday, April 26, 2004

stoppit pls, lol, u sound like xu en or kaifeng. feel fucked up these days. im breaking down... ppe pls pls, dun kb, u want come settle with me. pple think im wierd, i think so too, everyone is wierd. i promise those who dispice me, U WILL REGRET IT, i promise u...

Sunday, April 18, 2004

bad week, elaborate next time, however cheered up by some1, just a bit. test on tue, blog after that...

Sunday, April 11, 2004

went dragonboat expedition, taxi: $10. onli v few pple, realli got "40-50" as claimed by weiyan n shiwei. quite fun, despite having 8per boat. went around to beaches n bridges, even tug of war. the best part was wen we took a dip n swam in kallang river, forgetting the salty n dirty water. after that went suntec with andrew hoping to catch passion of the christ, but onli at 4pm so just had BK then went to some ulu place near genting lane, Alpha Innovation to check progress of mouse. Quite pathetic. i donno la, just did wat i can. brought stuff back to sch at night... had a nice chat online...
morning slack, went "fatty roast" for delicious duck-roastpork-charsew rice... afternoon went tuition at 6th avenue, did too much maths till took 77 from wrong side, worse still, dozed of n ended up in orchard, had BK takeaway, rush through 174 back home, of cause mom scolded like crazy n din believe... hai further bad news from micromouse, an experienced guy who was supposed to be the next P or VP backout under pressure, the mouse r old n not working well, he dun wanna waste time... wtf

Friday, April 09, 2004

tue shiwei's mobilephone n caleb's wallet got stolen. yest went ngee ann do mouse, next week comp now still quite screwed. best thing is my dear vp, who fucking left the laptop at ngee ann bus stop, n yes, lost it. lame enough to ask me to go to the bus stop to check half an hour after we left ngee ann, when i was already in sch plaing bball. more n more things r screwed up, kinda parallel to our lord's last few days. not exactly life threatening but it sucks to have this kind of things happen to n around u. donno if to take a break by going dragonboat tmr instead of sch for micromouse, stressed by my minimouse. Slept almost the whole day, make up for lack of sleep. Tmr'll be better, i hope

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

my fren told me a joke: a teacher asked " whats 1 + 2? nerb: 3! bimbo/himbo: 12? bitch: woof + woof woof, slut:threesome! then forgot wat else liao... hahaha, quite funny. Went BK with jiade, bryan n isaac, in HV, saw terence from rj flirting with j1 rg ger...
damn stressed, next tue micromouse competition liao, still screwed up. teacher ic is lame n un-understanding. Yesterday was madness, phy n gp common test, PT for double PE, today mass PE nearly died. ironic cycle shown below
need to go china->took flu shot->ok in china->back to sg->flu->recover->caught in da rain->flu n cough->term exam->flu->dragonboat outing->flu n cough->pe->flu flu flu flu flu

Monday, April 05, 2004

tmr phy n gp common test. watched NJ vs AC match today, to be fair, NJ should have won by least a goal, domination of 1st half. I watched 80 plus min onli so donno the final score. AC buck up lei! open the floodgate! Xiayue, Jiaming, James! hai.
more coming up!

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