Saturday, March 27, 2004

everything is bound to be misinterpreted. it din start, it never din. My love, rarther liking for her follows the law of diminishing returns.10mth is a long time. indulged in the situation for a long time, too long for "crush" too short for "love". im never a proud person. never. Wateva. yesterday i asked eve, "should u follow ur heart when it leads u to somewhere u cant follow" cause her msn nick is "follow ur heart". she "hmm..." and replied " i dun think u should, u will onli hurt urself". Chu told me " time can heal" but time can kill, time will scar, time will go, time will...

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Its all but almost over for me n her. Its was not right at the start. I donno the reasons, but i know that she hates the situation im putting her in. Almost her whole class is probably against me. Cant even trust my opposite, jiawei. IM confused. IM down with fever n cough n flu. IM suffering from both mental n physical tortue. My soul is tormented

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

SAT-Went lunch at IMPERIAL of takashima for lunch with parents n a fren, good food, nice meal, just that too many people so served slow... after that went NUS open house, saw quite a few familiar faces, shenkiat, disong, aaron, charlie, james, jega, ben, ect... not as impressive as i tot it would be. got a bear n lion from some contest. After that played bball with some residential lecturers n rj guys, till rain then left...
SUN-went to queue for LOTR exhibition at 7, arrived at 8, was 30+ in the queue, benjy came at 9.30, then along the way got pple help fren queue, so i was around 40th then went in bought tickets, was so screw up that TNP, the organisers actually let those who din queue but bought presales tickets to get the ring, in the end, i ended up the 53rd, WTF, new papers sux gd thing that the gal who was handing out the rings n posters gave a v nice smile... hahah. bought the ring from the shop eventually n went in to watch the exhibition. Damn nice! all the prop n costumes n armours n weapons n figure-replicas, shiok! like back to the movie...
then saw the gal again, named her ABC... she gave me that smile again n talked to me, asked me to look for her later... donno y but after some time, bumbed into her accidentially, then she actually gave me the ring, was shocked n surprised, thanked her, with rapid pumping of my heart... hahaha Im going back again before the exhibition ends, as i din see her after that. Afternoon went kallang theatre to watch some chinese perofrmance with parents then saw MR HON(tchs p), MR TAN(tchs vp) n MR Yang(chinese drama teahcer) n many people from SAP schs... On the way back, on the bus, heard pple saying "acjc" when the bus stopped at a stop then looked out and saw shiwei, terence, auggy, kenneth, ect n waved to them whom made enough noise to make half the bus pple look at me... Dinner at Turf City, Owen restaurant. Went KAP as mom wanna meet up with some ex-ac gal... saw Mellisa Hiong, a ac guy and a SB4 gal, supposely desmond's gf, that guy donnno do wat to make a din, think he dirtied melissa's shirt, i donno, but i think he is fucked up.. wateva...
MON-Library outing, dragonboat at kallang river. got twenty pple onli, saw some rj canoeist at the "dragonboat association". Then at starting point, which is beside the police coastguard dock. Got some chinese high kids having the same activity... My group got me, bihan, stella, semi, jacklyn, some prc n j1s... superior to that of mohan, hahaha. Was quite fun, just that someone behind me kept splashing water at me... lol, really not jac... made me drink saltwater too. Break at some beach, chicken rice, treat mohan to some seawater i collected on the way n he actually drank it before puking out. Tug of war, where 4 from each team row forward n the team whom push the opponent back wins. 1st match trashed, 2nd match got trashed, 3rd made a comeback from 1/2m behind to trash them, of cause i was in the 1st n 3rd race... also got some orange passing game with the blade of the oar. Rowed back to starting point... activity ended at around 1 after we cleaned up... Took bus 14 with andrew n jac, went off at around taka, she went taka i went cine, watched "haunted house". Very funny, kinda scary, not a bad plot. Played lan for an hour b4 my phy tutor phoned me... WTF tuition n i've forgotten, pia cab home, $10... that was close...
TUE-Went out to study with chufung at noon, at orchard library, saw zijian, now in rj arts n studies together before going to play lan at CINE 9th floor, an hour plus. After that went with parents to Shaw cinema for movie, 20 30 40, not bad reflecton of life but not very nice for a movie...

Saturday, March 13, 2004

the end of one is the begainning of another... but wat if it never started???

deprived of a goal n got injured... got stamp on by some hc bastard that eventually splited my third toe-nail from my toe... bleeding profusely... out of action for 2wks...
went NJ chinese drama play, was realli of sub-standard n v in-prom-to, lacks acting n plots not v good, ended up like a comedy with temporary assembled crew...

Sunday, March 07, 2004

went to chinese high play street in afternoon, put up some impressive performance as GK, although din play soccer n GK for some time already. Went up to play forward, made some passes, some misses that IS easier to score than miss... Scored 2 unlikely goals n a sitter...

Some !@#$%^&*()_+ happened, when i tackled labond, while he was doing his trick, thus his leg hooked mine up, and fell on me while i fall... lost momentum n crashed on my head... damn painful... f=150kg from 1.70m... deep impact, send me lying there for minutes, head like cracking while some idiots tot its some "jackie chan" stunt...

Went out with parents for buffet lunch, went back home first, played lan with alex b4 going to darren's house, not very accessible but lavish n nice n big place... class party... nice seafood, steaks, satays, drinks... with candlelight, looks romantic, part os the "romancing singapore" campaign? still had our usual dose in the end... while watching "wat women wants?" <--- biggest mystery of all times... wateva...

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